Loved And Lost Poem by Kimberly Lindsey

Loved And Lost

I thought that I could trust you,
I thought you wanted me too.
But you gave me no reason,
I could never trust you.

I thought that you loved me,
All those pretty words, you said,
Were they lies? Or did they just pop into your head?
You know I loved you.

You can not be trusted,
And you know not, what love is.

You are a scoundrel, and a scamp,
I, no longer want you, you are tramp.

My love for you has been destroyed,
Your loss, to be felt for years.
My only loss is what might have been,
And of that you are not capable.
So, to what end?

I gained back my life,
And will soon again thrive,
For I am strong, capable, I will survive.

I know not yet, what I will do,
I only know, it will not be with you.
For heartache, and strife, are all that you bring,
And I need more, I need love, that is not of your creed.

You can lie, cheat, and deny it all,
She can have you, it’s her turn,
Soon she too, will fall.

When you break her heart, as you are bound to do,
I hope she remembers the days she cheated with you.
Then she will know, she got what she deserved.

I can only wonder why, this happened to me? I, did not take that road, no, not me.

But grow, and strengthen, my will, and my heart,
For next time this will not happen, I know the types heart.

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