Made Me Whole Poem by Doreenda Nikoi Kotei

Made Me Whole

I was only a naughty baby,
Giving you sleepless nights and tiresome days,
But you cared for me and cuddled me to bed,
You spoke to me and sang for me,
You tickled me and just hear me laughter out loud,
You nursed me and made sure I was healthy, sound and strong,
And now, I'm well groomed, refined and polished,
You are my everything!
Thank you Mum and dad for making me whole.

I was only a school going kid,
Didn't know how to read or write,
But you held my hand and taught me to how to write, paint and draw,
You corrected my mistakes and laughed at my scribblings,
And now I'm the best in my field,
You are my everything!
Thank you Teacher for making me whole.

I was only a little playful kid,
But you chose and accepted me just the way I was,
You shared your lunch with and played with my toys,
We read many stories together and shared beautiful memories too,
You cheered me on and was always happy for me,
We didn't always agree and sometimes fight,
But that even make our friendship stronger,
Time flew and distance parted us even till today,
And now I value the essence of friendship,
You are my everything!
Thank you Bestie for making me whole.

I was only an innocent young lady,
Didn't really know much about good and evil,
But when taught me the Word and how to watch and pray,
You also taught me how to show compassion, love and forgive,
I learnt from you purity, service and leadership,
You mentored me, spoke blessings and favour upon my life,
And now, I'm making invaluable progress in my life.
You are my everything!
Thank you Pastor for making me whole.

I was only a vibrant promising graduate,
Look here and there for a job,
Didn't have much connections but you saw my efforts,
You considered me even though my mistakes were clear,
You gave me the job and monitored my progress,
My tasks were many and they kept growing day by day,
But that was your way of equipping and training me.
And now, I'm a top-notch and my successes are remarkable.
You are my everything!
Thank you Supervisor for everything.

I was a forceful human,
Trying my very best to make it in life,
But that didn't go well with others,
I was sometimes rejected, ignored and looked down upon,
I had my worse times with some of my peers,
They didn't understand my calling, my vision and my purpose,
I was called names and laughted at many times,
I didn't know any better but kept on pushing forward,
And now, I stand before great people and soar with the eagles.
You are my everything!
Thank you Critics for making me whole.


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