Maga Blacks & Hispanic Stop Endorsing Your Own Demise! Poem by Ripuree Rip

Maga Blacks & Hispanic Stop Endorsing Your Own Demise!

Today Pres. Trump read the truest words written by his speech writer

Words the speech writer might not have realized how truthful they are

And in that act of pretense or breakthrough clarity

Trump described himself, his TV and Radio sycophants

Plus others who're damaged by White Supremacy beliefs.

"Hatred warps the mind, ravages the heart and devores the soul" he stated

And from that declaration we must recall a truism that Maya Angelou observed;

"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time"

And Trump daily shows racism, through numerous policies and words.

Still there are black and Latino Trump lovers, in spite of Latino babies being kept in filthy cages.

And when he called Mexicans rapists and murderers, many stayed mute

Hopefully more Latinos now understand, that what happened in El Paso, can happen to any Hispanic-looking person in any part of the U.S.

So stop acting like some Jews, or Africans during the holocaust or the Trans Atlantic slave trading?

Who colluded with invading oppressors for immediate financial gains

While failing to foresee that their instant gratifications were implanting long term evil

Which are still wreaking havoc on descendants of former victims


MAGA people of all colors who're wrestling with your conscience

Just remember that your political affiliation is not a permanent aspect, like your ethnicity or country of birth

You choose a political party because it aligned with your own best interest

And when a party's bottom line becomes immoral and bigoted

It's right to change; even if only for one Election cycle or term.

We can't change the past, so it needn't be attempted

And we couldn't do better, before better information we digest

So no one needn't feel ashamed for their ancestors' past evils

When we can acknowledge present challenges honestly

Then assiduously work towards a more wholesome universal wellbeing.

Trump will win again by deploying his past fraudulent tactics

And if the same percentage of blacks and Hispanics vote for him again.

So withholding Hispanic votes is a most powerful weapon against White Supremacy

And that should be the mission of every self-respecting Republican

Hispanic and black.

And to a conscientious white MAGA who's now offended by Trump's antics

Remember the following words that a principled German once said

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

They came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.

MAGA blacks and Latinos again I implore you to consider

That your eternal soul can become corrupted, by empowering Trump's racist actions & words with your vote.

His racist believers may still hunt you down and kill you along with Jews and others

Because their core belief is that only European Americans should occupy the U.S.

And other preferred places, where Europeans invaded and remained.

Again, we needn't wallow in shame and remorse for empowering Trump's racism

And it shouldn't matter who we were yesterday, yesteryear or a minute ago

What should matter is who we're becoming with our thoughts words and actions.

And the power to vote White Supremacy from the White House, and beyond!

Monday, August 5, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: american history
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