Let's Deploy Acts Of Silent Love And Wisdom For A Better World Poem by Ripuree Rip

Let's Deploy Acts Of Silent Love And Wisdom For A Better World

In the U.S. today, some of the most foolish and fearful persons
Are elevated to the highest posts,
In politics, religion, academia and other areas of great
influence and clout.
And that power they use to strip more rights from citizens
Who for centuries have been oppressed, marginalized,
targeted for extinction, then decried.
Simultaneously, they reinforce unfettered power to
themselves and others.
Who're always empowered and privileged to the 't'.

They use their power to prevent schools from teaching about
Critical Race Theory
That would tell the truth about what was done to blacks
So that all could understand past evils and know them as
things we should no longer do.
They engineer barriers to constrain marchers and protesters
Who gather to ask for redress to past sanctioned illegalities
Which they don't want to admit was done
While they say that riotous insurrectionists who nearly overturned the U.S. Government on Jan.6th of 2020,
Are honorable and patriotic citizens,
Who deserve pardons and impunity for the unsuccessful
coup attempt they engaged.

Added to the problems now faced by Human Rights Activists Who've historically marched and raised their voices to bring about social change
Covid 19 weakened and killed millions
Plus destabilized millions more in the U.S. and worldwide
So that many who would otherwise be warning of the imminent dangers posed by men with evil social intentions
Must now focus just on getting by with full bellies everyday.

They have not the strength it seems anymore in this era of
Covid virus and political injustice
To stand up again in the face of great danger, as was done
for the Montgomery Bus Boycotts of the 1950's
Which forced Southern bus companies to stop charging
black people more than white people
To only sit in the backs of buses after all whites had seats.

So how can we overcome these new injustices many are asking
And will racist ignoramuses ever loose enough of their constant fears and insecurities
To allow themselves to live with love and justice
And leave black people alone to live in peace too?

What can be done when police now seem to have more power
To kill black people even more than the days of Fugitive Slave Hunts
And other Government approved vigilante actions against black lives
Fugitive slave laws which are the genesis of today's policing system
That took the lives of George Floyd, Eric Garner and too many
to name and count.

Where are the hands of God as he supposedly displayed
When he unleashed plagues to curtail the actions of black Egyptians against his Chosen people
As the supposedly Good Book says?
And how can black people move about incognito,
When today's roads are impossible to traverse on feet,
As was done with the Underground Railroad traversed by Harriet Tubman and her courageous white and black peers.

Its therefore time to communicate like plants (and others in the animal kingdom) successfully do all their lives.
We may not have terrain with plenty of plants and wildlife for food sources,
Nor forested enough to make it easy to hide from possies Seeking to capture and return us to depraved lives.
But we have internet and cell phone services aplenty
With which we can get connected without having to move
about and risk our lives.

And while the weak and fearful with power can create laws to
interrupt our internet and cell phone freedoms
They can't legislate actions to constrict the beliefs we choose to silently hold in our collective minds
Beliefs that can be passed on in relative silence without much fanfare and attention
To those who're ready to live in a better world than exists today.

So let's all ponder. and know now,
That communication is not done just by vocalization.
Silent feelings, desires, praises and condemnation have specific vibrations that can be detected by others -without uttered words. Humans were discouraged from appreciating our gut feelings or energy vibrations,
But that power is still in every human without question
And can be seen in plants and other lifeforms
Who continue to thrive and grow
Without the utterance of a single word or sound -sometimes.

Let's assiduously send out good thoughts, expectations
and intentions for self and others daily.
Even those whom we find it hard to like.
We can have a world where the default life condition is
everyone feeling good and doing good mostly,
Regardless of unwanted challenges that each may face.

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