Make ' Doubt ' Your King - Revised Poem by Long Tooth

Make ' Doubt ' Your King - Revised

Yes, certainty is sweet like sugar (drug of choice for 'human race') ,
its bloated, fake-blond, cotton-logic, never does reveal its face.
Masks lure men to their death, use wh*rish sensuality to dupe.
The 'ship of state' gets smashed on rocks while ponce-in-chief tweets crap from poop!
Man's sanity is born in doubt! Be cautious, you should doubt me too!
But wisdom's not all happy endings, though joy whispers what is true,
Responsibility's the answer; guarantees aren't part of life,
So think of this if you get married, love your queen but see your wife!

Please let your God, too, meet doubt's filter, false-God corpses everywhere.
Do doubt or questions blemish Faith or prove Faith's greater when you dare
to trust that God's a God that loves you (will still love you) till the end?
Lacks certainty? Perhaps, but signals strong desires to be His friend.

While 'doubt' suggests a heart that's faithful, 'certainty' PROVES 'Faith' is dead,
Though wise man's foot may touch the throttle, foolish cry, 'Full steam ahead! '
Be careful not to trust in magic; magic's truth is never real;
the masters of this art fool senses, seek to gain from its appeal.

The God I worship serves my welfare; Love requires His selflessness,
a harmony with all creation, that can calm this life's distress!
The Bible, Science, Seasons, Grace, are all provisions 'from above.'
What's clay can never be the potter! 'Doubt' but 'trust' that God is LOVE.

Brian Johnston
July 19 of 2017

Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: god,logic,faith
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