Make Someone's Life Better Poem by Randy McClave

Make Someone's Life Better

Somebody needs what you have
Which only you alone can give,
Your smile, your love and your encouragement
And the words which will help them live.
You were created for a greater purpose
No one person is ever truly meant to be alone,
So, remember somebody truly needs you
You were meant to be seen and also known.
Some people need just a smile
To help and comfort them through their day,
And some people need to see and feel love
With never not one word to utter or say.
Some people need the encouragement
To push or help them out the door,
And some people just need to hear comforting words
To pick them up off the floor.
Be a friend, a philosopher, and a good person
Don't ever be a debtor,
Be the someone to help and also to care
You were created to make somebody else's life better.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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