Making One A Poet Is A Miracle! Poem by Ramesh T A

Making One A Poet Is A Miracle!

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How will you feel when your wishes are denied
By your parents, when you are a smart boy......?
Not knowing your knowledge and also capability,
They feel it's a risk to allow you to do what you like!

Likewise, if you have been grown up to manhood,
How will you feel to be one with other dull heads to do
What others say as if that is the only way to come up
In life according to your parents who are ignorant...?

Having such kind of humiliating experience and also,
Inducted into family business as there are none to promote
Business to prosperity, with what kind of mind will you
Undertake the project to do all according to their plans?

Only a non-attached kind of person perform such duties
Whether that will be helpful in the future or not but just
To please elders; and many years, if spent so, what kind of
Joy can one enjoy in the world that doesn't care for you...?

Later, after one becomes a family man and has children too,
Will he get that kind of freedom and time to do what he likes?
One will only be a reckless man always feeling angry with all
And caring nothing in the world as his dreams are shattered!

But, if one survives all those unsuitable times, will it not be a
Great miracle that has happened in the life of that person...?
Yes, surely, that is a miracle, if one becomes a poet and writes
Wonderful poems to share and become a great world poet...!

Making One A Poet Is A Miracle!
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poet
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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