Many People Love Wearing Black Poem by Hebert Logerie

Many People Love Wearing Black

Many people love wearing black
However, nobody wants to be black
Ignore the fools, the jerks who paint
Their face black; they need to repent
Many people enjoy being dressed in black
Yet nobody wants to be blocked
By this unfair society of splenetic, dark
And rancorous reaction toward
Our next of kin. Let's move forward
Blacks have endured a lot over the years
It's a shame that anybody who dares
To stand for black people are ostracized
Discriminated against and marginalized
Few people desire to be black
I belong to this group. I love anything that's black
All the colors of the spectrum
And the nuances of the shades at the stadium
Be proud of who you are, stand tall, walk tall
With your head facing up; you're not going to fall
Many people love to wear: black bow tie
Black suit, black gown, black pants, black tie
And black shoes. Nobody likes to be mocked
Black people are beautiful, strong, unmasked
Intelligent, bold, talented and proud of their color
I am black and proud of my features, my fine odor
My shade, my lips, my arms, my head, and my body
As a group, Blacks are friendly and fear nobody
Black people have a natural shade and complexion
Black is the color of the earth, the color of creation
We need to remember that all humans are dirt
Beautiful Maria, please do not raise your skirt
To make a point. You're gorgeous without make-up
You look great. In the sun, you don't need a casque
You are who you are. Be proud. I'm who I'm. From top
To bottom, you and I don't need a mask.

Copyright © February 2019, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of numerous books of poetry

Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: color
Kumarmani Mahakul 05 February 2019

You are right. No one wants to be black but they love black dresses. Colour of body comes through natural process. A nice poem is well penned.10

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