Mary, From Nazareth Poem by Gert Strydom

Mary, From Nazareth

Mary, innocent girl from Nazareth,
did you know that the Godly child you were carrying,
when you fell on your knees in prayer

with fear and pain that got more
when it seemed as if you were torn open,
did you know that He would bring salvation with pain

when before marriage you were pregnant against the law,
did you know that He would ask for help from His father?
Mary innocent girl from Nazareth,

did you know that nails would pierce His hands and feet,
that night there in the stable
when it seemed as if you were torn open,

did you know that He would not save himself from the cross,
without ever complaining about His destiny,
when you fell on your knees in prayer,

when you saw the bare situation,
when God himself came as a human
that night in the stable

and for a time your child was jolly and full of fun,
without anybody accusing Him then?
Mary, innocent girl from Nazareth,

as He was stripped from His omnipotence,
when you were caring for Him day by day,
when God himself came as a human,

carrying all the sin of this world
was He was dumfounded on the cross
when you fell on your knees in prayer?

When He told the priests in the temple about God
did fear go through you motherly heart,
when you were caring for Him day by day?

When they kept you away from your son,
when they were whipping Him,
Mary, innocent girl from Nazareth
when you fell on your knees in prayer

did you then see how He innocently was suffering
with fear and pain that got more,
did fear go through you motherly heart,
did you know that He would bring salvation with pain?

[Reference: “Maria” by Elisabeth Eybers.]

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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