May One Day... Poem by Theorem The Truth Serum

May One Day...

May one day humanity
come together without
destroying itself.
May the sun rise to a day
where fear has dried up
with the blood that it has spilt.

May one day come where
lies are left behind
and only truth is spoken.
Let the lies of the past be
only printed words from the past.

May one day come where
people do not fight over
different ideals and cultures.
They are all beautiful birds
flying in the sky meant to
roam free because we
are meant to be free.

May one day come where
imperialism doesn't exist.
We have wasted too much
time with this demon and
we fight this demon
with the very same demon.

May one day come where
there is only peace and
tranquility left to experience.
May we all live to be happy
because we are all
meant to be happy.

Maybe heaven is the only place
where we can see this and hell
is this reincarnated earth that we have
not mastered because we keep
repeating our same mistakes.
Peace and love is the answer
I know that it is, not because some book
told me this, but because my soul
whispers this to me in my dreams.
If you cannot hear this then your soul
is now lost and you must find it.
Do this for humanity...we can make
our earthly lives heavenly if only we listened.
If only we could learn from our mistakes.

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