Mb029. Draupadi Digraced In Public Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Mb029. Draupadi Digraced In Public


The charioteer Prathikami was sent.
To bring Draupadi he straight went.
When the news thru' him she heard
Like fire her eyes became red.

"If he had lost himself first,
Has he any moral right
To pledge me as his bet,
Let him clear my doubt."

"No prince his wife would stake
You go and ask for my sake,
Whether he lost himself first,
Or lost me before he was lost? "

When the charioteer did so
Duryodhana said "Now go,
Tell her at once to come here.
Ask him this question let her."

For an answer she insisted,
To go in public she resisted.
Enraged Duryodhana got wild,
His brother Duhsasana he called.

"Brother, go and fetch her,
Even if you have to drag her."
At once ran his brother,
With force to bring her.

To her protest heeding not,
Her hair tight he caught,
Dragged her to the hall,
Minding not her tears-fall.

"Oh, the elders gathered here,
You come out of your fear.
At a time he was no free man,
How can he stake his woman? "

"Haven't you love for your mother,
Or for that matter your sister?
Will they face similar situation?
When you take proper action? "

She ran to them here and there,
But justice she got nowhere.
Bhisma rose and said at last,
His patience no more to test.

"Yudhishthira is the cause,
To bring out this total mess.
His hands that cast the dice,
Let me burn them once."

For this Bhisma's outburst,
Arjuna spoke in words soft.
The answer anger was not,
As his brother wasn't at fault.

"He's a victim of trickery,
It's nothing but a mockery
Sakuni played a game foul,
No use now in our howl."

Vikarna, Dhitarashtra's son,
He raised the same point one.
Draupadi wasn't a stake proper,
When her husband lost the wager.

Not to talk Karna told him,
When elders were o'er him.
"Even the robes they wear,
He said, "Ours they are."

To follow the path of honor,
Threw their garments upper,
Before them down on the floor
And remained calm as before.

"Panchali's garments remove now,
Let us see, she'll resist this how?
Her sari Dushsasana pulled.
"Save me Krishna, " so she yelled.

What a miracle there to see?
She was still covered in her sari,
Nonstop it came from nowhere,
To the surprise of everyone there.

In fatigue down Dushsasana sat,
Bhima stood and began to shout
"Hear my oath, I'll kill you dead
And drink your heart's blood."

On his lap Duryodhana gave a pat
Signaled Draupadi to come and sit
He told she was his maid pet.
To Bhima it appeared as a threat.

Bhima stood up and vowed
He raised his voice aloud.
"One day in the battle ground,
Be sure, your thigh I'll pound."

Drona quickly cautioned Bhima.
To remain patient told Bhisma.
This time decided Dhritarashtra,
To give freedom to Yudhishthira.

"Sorry for my son's conduct,
In my words have no doubt.
Never indulge in any more bet.
All of you now free I set."

Thus he gave their freedom,
They left his kingdom,
Returned to their city,
With the king's mercy.

What a disgrace she met?
This posterity didn't forget.
Even today it's felt a blot
On the men's world a lot.

In the name of Dharma,
Can one go for Adharma?
How one justifies this?
No proper answer for this.

Thursday, December 28, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: story
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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