Mb031. Pandava's Life In The Forest Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Mb031. Pandava's Life In The Forest

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It was a surprise to find,
The citizens marched behind,
To the forest they also moved,
Their loyalty this way they proved.

They praised Yudhishthira,
And condemned Dhritarashtra.
They wished to live with him,
But not to do so, he told them.

"Citizens, your love for us,
In fact, we will miss,
But for you it's no good,
To live with us in the wood."

"Allow us to fulfill our vow.
Return to your houses now.
At the appropriate time,
To your place we will come."

Yudhishthira appealed to them.
Back to their places sent them.
Holy Varanavata they reached,
For the night there they stopped.

Some Brahmins came there,
To settle in forest and share,
Whatever be the ups and downs
In the forest than in the towns.

Every day how to feed them?
To him it became a problem.
He performed a penance,
To Sun god for deliverance.

The Sun god gave a bowl,
Akshaya Patra, a marvel
That gave food in plenty
To feed the guests hungry.

After feeding every one,
Draupadi was the last one,
Her food she used to take,
Cleaned and kept it in a rack.

Happily the Pandavas spent,
Their time peacefully went.
But Dhritarashtra felt guilty
For his past deeds faulty.

Vidura time and again
Told him to disown
Duryodhana his son,
And disinherit his throne.

"Vidura don't be childish.
My son, how can I banish?
If you really don't like us,
You can be with Pandavas."

These words pricked Vidura,
To leave the City Hastinapura,
He thought that this choice,
It would bring him some peace.

Saturday, December 30, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: story
Rini Shibu 30 December 2017

Great poem.. Thanks for sharing this story from mahabaratha

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Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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