Mb060. Prince Uttara And Charioteer Brihannala Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Mb060. Prince Uttara And Charioteer Brihannala


The Prince Uttara before him saw
In Kauravas's army with awe
Stalwarts like Bhisma, Drona,
Kripa, Duryodhana and Karna.

Single handed to face them how,
With a few arrows and a bow?
To fight with them he shuddered.
Brahannala to turn back he ordered.

In so many words Brahannala told,
Not to be a coward, but be bold,
But the prince ran away in fear,
Saying his life to him was dear.

"To fight why you're scared?
I shall fight, be not afraid.
You just manage the horses,
I shall massacre their forces."

Brahannala removed his fears,
And wiped out his tears.
To a tree he was taken then,
That hid weapons bundle one.

Uttara brought the bundle down,
Took out the weapons one by one.
On the prince Arjuna took pity,
He revealed his true identity.

Uttara was surprised to hear,
That Pandavas were very near.
With them for almost a year,
But to them it wasn't clear.

Gandiva, his bow, Arjuna took,
Everyone its string sound shook.
Devadatta, his conch, he blew,
The enemies' attention it drew.

Arjuna in disguise they found,
They all stood spell bound.
In frenzy they began to shout,
That Pandavas had come out.

Uttara drove the chariot.
In battle front, he kept it.
No more a child he was.
Now Arjuna was his boss.

Friday, January 26, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: story
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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