Mb076. Rukmini And Rukma Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Mb076. Rukmini And Rukma


The kingdom of Vidarbha,
Was ruled by Bhishmaka.
Rukma was his eldest son,
His successor to the throne.

Rukmini was his only daughter,
To Sisupala Rukma proposed her,
But her love for Krishna was more,
To marry Him was her desire.

To Him she sent a word one day,
That in the temple on her way,
She would wait and be ready
There to join Him and marry.

His chariot Krishna drove fast
Brought her to Dwaraka at last.
But He was chased by Rukma,
For she was to marry Sisupala.

An utter defeat faced Rukma,
In the hands of Balarama,
Who came running to defend,
And help their love in the end.

He took Krishna for a savage,
Who forced to break her marriage
With King Sisupala of his choice,
But in this affair, he lost his voice.

Rukma came with his army
To join Pandavas as an ally.
But dismissed he was summarily,
By Yudhishthira for his folly.

Rukma took it as a great insult.
To Kauravas he went to consult.
There also he was turned out,
As he didn't came at first.

Out of respect for Krishna,
Duryodhana rejected Rukma,
Who went back in shame,
Having spoiled his name.

Saturday, February 3, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: story
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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