Mb110. The Massacre At Midnight Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Mb110. The Massacre At Midnight


The three, Kripacharya, Kritavarma
And Aswatthama met Duryodhana.
They were visibly moved.
This, their tears proved.

Aswatthama told, "Oh king,
They all did a wrong thing.
My father unarmed, they killed,
When he did yoga in the field."

"They killed you by foul means,
The crime, the most heinous,
Never committed on this earth,
I'll avenge both the death."

Duryodhana was happy to hear,
He called Aswatthama near,
And said, "My hope is with you.
As Chief I now appoint you."

"You should kill them all.
The Pandavas should fall.
My soul will rest in peace,
If you do this job please."

The three drove away,
Where the Pandavas stay,
And thought of killing,
When they were sleeping.

Everyone was fast asleep,
At night, in the Pandavas camp.
Aswatthama stealthily entered,
Dhristadyumna first he killed.

Pandavas' sons, Soldiers
And the security guards,
They all lost their heads
In these devils' hands,

There was utter confusion,
O'er this surprise invasion,
Hue and cry everywhere,
At the dark hours was there.

Duryodhana heard this,
And pleased he was.
What he had not done,
These three have done.

With this final satisfaction,
As a token of appreciation,
He thanked them, the three.
His life then left him free.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: story
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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