Mental Illness Is Genetic Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

Mental Illness Is Genetic

Five of the major mental disorders
share some of the same genetic risk factors,
the largest
evidence for such genetic overlap had previously
been limited to base pairs concerning such disorders.

Researchers have discovered that people with disorders
thought to be distinct - autism, ADHD,
bipolar disorder, major depression and schizophrenia
were more likely to have suspect genetic variation's
at the same four chromosomal sites.

For those of you whom don't know it's called DNA and RNA.
These included risk versions of two genes that regulate
the flow of calcium into cells.

Some of these disorders are going to accure no matter what.
Others can be triggered directly through trauma.
People who think that mental illness can be turned off and on
Are more dangerous to themselves than are those whom through
Treatment and if necessary medication are best able to
Have a more productive life.

Though untreated they will always be self destructive and can
More easily damage the very people whom try to help them.

Please remember that one in six Americans suffer from some
Variation of mental illness.
And if those amongst U.S. were intelligent enough to educate
Themselves on this very important subject
Instead of making something up that causes even more harm.

We would be well on our way to iradicating mental illness
As with those early diseases that ran rampant and unchecked
Up into the early to mid nineteen hundreds.

Sunday, November 20, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: green
James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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