Mirrored Design Poem by Leslie Alexis

Mirrored Design

Rating: 4.0

The day I spun the earth I did not know
That it would continue to go, and go
As if by miracle spinning on its end, that,
No matter how I tried it would not end.
Its Inertia was stronger than my force
Pushing and shoving did not change its course.

The day I lit the sun, I was about nine
Now at ten thousand it continues to shine,
Lighting the day; he is called the sun
And I am proud to have him as my son.
In the universe they’re many like him
But they all in my sight seem so very dim.

The pouring of the great oceans was only
Seen by me; and this sea, only I did see!
Its expanse being only one of my cups,
-The wealth of my store, minds cannot mop-up! –
After parting its borders and giving the land,
I filled it with fishes, and whales so grand.

The day I waved the wind, it was very fast
And in all dreaming I didn’t think it’d last
The way of its going, I really did not know
But assured, like waking, it continues to go,
With expanse spanning both land and sea
And with power tapped by all of eternity.

Copyright © 2009 Leslie Alexis

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