Miss Officer Poem by Alison Mujati

Miss Officer

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Looks like I could stare all day.
Not far off and I remember that in May.

Sudsy eyes, lightning without thunder.
For some days I could ride in hunger.

In her smile, I see the glee
Suffice to say she stops my peeing.

Then her prestige, she is born to rule
Stubborn we say but I own my mule.

Grace upon the earth and I could pray all night
She suffers mind rides for my right.

Where are you my adorable voice
One I chose with no choice

Miss officer in her attire,
Genuine green, commanding me to retire.

I love to sing for her at dawn.
crimson skies leave me mind-blown

Saunter gracefully in town alleys.
I wish for no delays.

For love that has been
Love that is
And love that will be.

I pray for your peace, my queen.
Let harmony follow you wherever you go.

Miss Officer
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