The Saddest Day Of My Life Poem by Alison Mujati

The Saddest Day Of My Life

Rating: 3.0

The loneliest day of my life

The night tide before has been tremendous
My vitality had find a mate
Pleasant dreamland, my sleep had a home
However, a day was impending to contaminate all
My father initiated with the worst
Awakening me from my fantasy,
At cockcrow in swamps of my cherished sleep
His utter came in high demand
The date was not on my flank, that I admit
What was left was just waking up

Strolling to the field reluctantly
The day like any other but I treated it differently
In company of brothers and a sister
Only one knew what was happening
My brains were convicted, I could not handle them surviving jail terms
Still emotion lie dead within me
In imagination, I saw the world in its vastness falling over my head
The order of the previous day was giving me hard time
I had to accept the writing was on the wall
Kingship has a time of crumbling, that was it.

Weeding of late December became the chore
Despite the stickiness of mud, it had to be done
My father pushed us to the edge
That was nothing though to the clots of stuff my heart staked
To open up, you could fill dozens of haulage trucks
It was obvious in my sombreness
There was no one to look to for they bear their own troubles

When the sun grew to two hours of its age,
The working and my emotions start tiring me.
I heard a drone and became lively
The road was clear, I saw a car I knew well
It was happening
Coming as drama to nourish my peeps
In disbelief all I ever known was crashing
The sky falling down

Couple of yards close to the road
The sight so clear, it was vivid
My young brother knew what the rolling car meant for me
We stare at each other in dis belief
When it reached next to where we were,
It came to a halt
Out came a bulky man, I realised as a grandfather to someone
He came to meet my father in a chit-chat
Tears welled in my eyes when I saw beauty peeping through the back window
Waving on me, I waved back to untold stories
Several waves obviously from sisters I knew
The lovebird wore a lugubrious face but I needed no explanation
Intertwined heart are made to discern
I knew the stone inside her heart
The old man staggered back and drove away

My dance with time so entertaining with onlookers
Toll taken, no more joyful rides
Everything being reduced to just a memory
She was gone my love and soul,
Sank into quicksand, very hard to redeem
Powerless but just little strength of survival
There is more to say but it is right not to.
28 December of a certain year became the saddest day of my life

Saturday, March 17, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
zeff anartoli 14 November 2018

sad love story, , well written

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Blondie 14 April 2018

I liked this one. so many emotions

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