Mission For Greatness Poem by Deanza L. WalwynBowrin

Mission For Greatness

I am on a mission for greatness… greater than any man/woman could imagine…
My soul lingers for perfection from my ancestors who stood before me…
I stand tall and erect… and I exude confidence from the greatness I seek…
Honing my tools of intelligence to be in the capacity; well, of me…
I have failed a thousand times to get it right once and I have dreamed a thousand times to make it a reality.
Beauty you see on my face, but do you see the beauty within me?
I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul…
With God’s footsteps leading and walking with me … I am in control
Many ask why I do things the way I do… I am not a common woman, and it’s my right to be uncommon if I can…
However, I walk humble and am always a friend to man… never to judge because I know that one direction can always be determined differently by others…
The challenge that I seek, is the guarantee that it will last longer… that it will be fulfilled in the clutch circumstance of bludgeoning…
I am who I am and I must continue to grow in matters and forms
Like a jigsaw you try to figure me out; however, my rareness is only for those who are close to unfold…
My heart beats slowly to realize the existence of time… my lungs breathe in the count of 8 to realize the existence of life…
Development is the stages of life… and to thine own self be true.
Understanding and grasping the reality of experience, which is learning and the fulfillment I have acquired. Not living vicariously through others, but of me… so I reiterate that I am on a mission for greatness… greater than any man could imagine…
With my head high, knowing my passion…

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