Mmgl Part 007-001 - Woke Up From Sleep Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Mmgl Part 007-001 - Woke Up From Sleep

(Goddess Manimegala kept
Manimegalai in Manipallavam.
At night she came to Pugar and
went away advising the prince.
She consoled Sudamadhi also.
Sudamadhi went to the council
At Chakravalam zone. There
she met Kandirpavai, who told
about Sudamadhi's previous birth
and not to worry about Manimegalai.
Morning Sudamadhi told the entire
events to Madhavi, who became


After keeping Manimegalai safely,
Goddess Manimegala left quickly,
From the Manipallavam island,
And she reached the Pugar land.

There restless was Prince Udayakumaran,
After seeing Manimegalai in the garden.
"By morning in my hands she should be."
With this thought sleepless was he.

Goddess Manimegala appeared
And this way she advised.
"If the king's scepter bends
Oh prince, his rule will bend."

"If his rule bends,
His justice will bend.
If his justice fails,
There'll be no rains."

"The country will be dry,
And many lives will then die.
"In other life my life is, "
A king should think like this."

"So after Manimegalai don't be.
From your mind allow her free.
She is virtually an ascetic now.
So, forget her somehow."


Next the goddess went to the garden.
Sudamadhi was in deep sleep then.
But from the sleep, up she woke
When the goddess called and spoke.

"To see Indran Festival I came.
Goddess Manimegala is my name.
Listen to me. Don't be afraid.
Everything is for the good."

"A virtuous path Buddha had set.
Manimegalai is involved in that.
Thru' the sky-way I took her,
And at Manipallavam I kept her."

"In her previous birth what she was,
There she'll come to know this.
She'll come back to this town,
The seventh day from now on."

"Even if she goes from here,
And hides herself elsewhere,
From you she'll hide it never.
This you should remember."

"On the day she'll be here,
Many events will occur.
Tell Madhavi about her daughter,
The way how I saved her."

"Madhavi knows about me.
Kovalan once sang about me,
When both were on the seashore.
After me he named her daughter."

"That night, in her dream I told her,
That she would beget a daughter,
A healer of other's wound and pain,
In virtuous path she would remain."

"All these things, go and tell her."
The goddess disappeared thereafter.
To Sudamadhi it came as a relief.
She was a little while free from grief.


Sudamadhi got up from there.
Still her worry didn't leave her.
It was midnight for Pugar,
Things went there how far?

No dance sound,
Nor the flute sound,
Nor even yazh sound,
Nor also music sound.

A husband once went astray.
With red eyes his wife that day,
When he back at night,
She hugged him with no fight.

The children became too tired,
After the daylong play they had.
To them medicines their mothers fed
Then they coaxed the kids to bed.

The house-doves and the birds outside
They pulled their tongues inside,
And made no noise that night.
The festival spirit with drums slept.


Inside the king's temple,
A pinhole water vessel,
To measure the seconds,
It made its drops' sounds.

In a shed, an elephant,
With no food it went.
For food every second
It made its call sound.

In all the main streets,
The men in their night beats,
They bet their sticks to alert
Their presence that night.

The sailors in the harbor side,
They drank raw toddy outside.
In intoxicated mood they sang
Their usual popular folk song.

After the child-delivery
The girls became weary.
They took bath in the tank
Even in the hour dark.

The soldiers at nights,
To get in war fights,
Everlasting success,
They invoked war gods.

After their delivery the girls,
The innocent little boys,
The first born son,
The pregnant women,

Also the wounded persons,
To cure their serious ills,
The tantrics at night did
Chants in the graveyard.

Friday, March 3, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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