Mollification As Once Respired Among Us Poem by Asimuzzaman Asim

Mollification As Once Respired Among Us

That pamper as once respired among us,
Whether you dodder recalling or do not…
That promise, yes, of trailing thus,
Whether you dodder recalling or do not…

Those amenities showered on me before
All vantage on my state that you, egress
I do recollect all even if as a snippet..
Whether you care recalling or do not…
Those swank frail complains afresh,
Those captivating bits of guidance,
That being rattle at each thought,
Whether you care recalling or do not…

Listen, elham it is quite an ages old,
Once you happened to made few promises bold,
What is good now, rejoin they full-filled or not?
Whether you dodder recalling or do not…

By a transient chance, when we met,
To display sincerity each moment,
A discontent at meeting frequently not,
Whether you care recalling or do not…

At times coming one to one in gathering among all,
though lips hermetic, yet gloat delivering it all,
Those gestures revealing desires a lot…
Whether you care recalling or do not…
Had ever anything happened as,
something that lead you to a distress,
Before even revealing, forgetting it all,
Whether you care recalling or do not…
Once did exist a passion between us
Once there was a compassion between us
Once we're too acquainted with what other sought.
Whether you care recalling or do not…

That turbulence before night of reunion,
Those disagreements over our communion,
Fairing stiff list of things for "Must not"..
Whether you ward recalling or do not…

One who you did count among the cordial…
One who you did count among the sincere…
I am alone - a very love-sworn flask…
Whether you dodder recalling or do not…

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