Money And Coins (Lost Pages) Poem by Cherokee Akan Ewe

Money And Coins (Lost Pages)

every time you collect coins
you should store them for your
well i have an abundant stash of coins
to pay my customers with exact change
just in case
and yes when you pay someone in US Dollars
you are actually saying you owe them
as you and I back the currency printed and circulated
cause we own no gold reserves...
we own our human bodies and real properties
now am i into gold? nah
all you need is real property
to be located underground for a peace of mindset
your own business in about two to three continents
and you and yours are truly satisfied

your power is built off knowledge and wisdom
so you got power already and wisdom comes with experience not age...
money and coins...
yeap and when you create your own culture like in a glass dish for experimentation although just the word association
just make sure you keep every record onground as your art i fact
and you will be alright
and never get lost in the propaganda
stay educated until you cannot breath no more
is the message all day and night long
pass down the knowledge and wisdom to keep your young ones from repeating the past
so when people say that stupid stuff you just look at em like okay
either you a racist religious fanatic neo-colonist colorist etc
cause we free from it all....

Thursday, October 18, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: today
you are assigned to a body then leave which is exactly how we know and don't even trip off of it and coins is a concept and just understand money and coins do not build large buildings nah the human being does which is willed from Soul when you try to copy a dollar you are actually going against the patent in place just as any business aspect although you can make your own by the pounds which turns into tonnes or a short ton....stay real and now you can maneuver like you always wanted and needed too plus make your Mutha happy righ and make your Fatha happy righ....
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