Monuments And Statues Of Disgrace Poem by Randy McClave

Monuments And Statues Of Disgrace

The monuments of cruelty
Still stand in this great country,
The country where freedom internationally reigns
Sadly racism and bigotry still remains.
Flags are flown that shouldn't be flown
Hate and evil then again is sewn,
And those monuments and statues still stand
That brings shame to this great land.

Statues stand that stood for slavery and war
In other countries they would stand no more,
And still many fly flags of slavery
Though our forefathers defeated them with their bravery.
In our great country those racisms still wave
Believing that people should be a slave
For those truths and facts I'll give no ovation
In this once great nation.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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