Moondance Metaphor Poem by moon batchelder

Moondance Metaphor

Rating: 5.0

sun's light pales bright waning moon
until she fades away from view,
dissolves into the azure skies,
then plunges to her death at noon

as if to finish her demise.
tho on the morrow she will rise
a sliver thinner, setting sooner
day by day, - until the moon

so closely follows to the sun
that light of both within the skies
quite vanishes when day is done;
as one! - as if undaunted by

three pitch black nights, as dark as death,
we wait, - but not with baited breath;

for sun and moon shall dance apart
a paradigm for game we play

this lovers know: as any heart
approach the object of desire
encroachment melt themselves away
a sacrifice! - but, not to fear;

the circumstance to re-appear
serves ever to enhance the flames,
stil growing as they dance apart,
still glowing, - filling more each day

like waxing moon! becoming bright
because of distance set between,
they too, reflect a sort of light.
'til choreography convene

again and draws their bodies near;
and circumstance to disappear
arises, - and themselves succomb!
like moon surrenders to the sun.

Peter A. Crowther 11 October 2006

A nicely worked sustained metaphor

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moon batchelder

moon batchelder

bemidji, minnesota
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