Mr Miyagi, an old wise man and karate teacher doing his thang Chinese Food and Chinese Sifu teaching be like water karate dude.
Mr Miyagi, a Master of Kung Fu and a wise Godly man patient and not rude.
Mr Miyagi, not bold but careful and moving like Karate slow.
Mr Miyagi, an old man who hates fighting moves slow but know how to kick code and doesn't take nothing from nobody and will never fold.
Mr Miyagi, Danielson guy who probably doesn't lie God's man want's what's right.
Mr Miyagi, Danielson guy who practices karate and will take a nice long karate ride.
Mr Miyagi, Danielson guy not so shy to perform karate and live his own way of life.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Wow. I really like the word play. Thats a huge poet in you. Peace. Thnks