Why am I not afraid of anything?
I'm not afraid of anything because of my strong brave heart, mental sharp attitude, and my shining diamond ring.
I'm not afraid of anything because I'm always taking nice clean baths and pray before I say prayer and is always purifying my soul do you know what I mean?
I'm not afraid of anything because I'm to mentally aware to let just anything go down with me being so mean.
I'm the one for the job for everything that's happening.
In the meantime I should be careful and watch my surroundings while jealousy and envy is present from other people and me really not caring.
Nicer poem..., With enough expressions that forces the reader to reflect his/her confidence...
Having metal sharpness and courage is good for life. Braveness comes through inner strength. Remaining fearless is wise living. An amazing poem is beautifully and brilliantly penned...10
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Very beautiful poem dear poet....thanks...,