My Best Friend Poem by sarah blake

My Best Friend

When I met you in 6th grade,
I knew it was meant to be
The closest thing to a soulmate, you were to me
4 years of heaven ending, I really can't believe
I say I'll visit you on the weekends, but they'll never come
A two hour plane ride really isn't all that much…
You were my sister, my family
But like a flower in the wind, you'll soon forget me
We'll always have those times, those beautiful memories
But I don't want you to just become a memory
We can text, and chat on the phone
But it isn't the same as when I could visit you at your home
Terribly lonely, I fear I will now be
It was always just you and me
I don't want this to end, please wake me from this nightmare
Oh Ellie, please don't leave
It is terribly selfish of me,
I know you need this
But I don't want you to go
The yin to my yang, the peanut butter to my jelly
We may never get a happy ending
Thick as thieves, our bond might break
Always together, right from the start
When we part, I will be left with nothing more than a broken heart

Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: friendship
Soul Watcher 02 February 2016

Nice poem, thanks for sharing

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