My Dream: At Deadman's Reef Outside Freeport, Bahamas, The Drowned Englishwoman Janet Brown, From Toronto, Canada By Way Of Birstall, England … Poem by Dennis Ryan

My Dream: At Deadman's Reef Outside Freeport, Bahamas, The Drowned Englishwoman Janet Brown, From Toronto, Canada By Way Of Birstall, England …

Tuesday night, June 4, 2024 at 11: 30 p.m; completed Wednesday morning, June 5, 2024 at 12: 15 a.m.; title revised slightly late Thursday afternoon, June 6th at 5: 25 p.m.

It just came to me—the drowned Englishwoman in
my dream, her name, Janet Brown, a very real person
from the English Midlands, 'Birstall' she had told me,
her family having emigrated to Toronto, Canada when
she was a teen, around 1964-1965, thereabouts, our
first conversation of so many years ago in September
of 1976 having taken place in the teacher's staff room
of Hawksbill High School in Freeport, Janet with her
medium length blonde hair, and wearing a blue dress—
she liked the color—perhaps a blue dress at the time.
I remember her in blue, bright, always cheerful, a ready
smile all the time—that's how I remember her, quite
real. (And what of you, Amelie, have you come across
any Browns in Leicester and vicinity?) . The thing is,
Janet never dove with us in real life, but she does in
my dream though, when I am thinking of you, Amelie,
and then posting poems on Poem Hunter from my second
book of poems, Bahamas: In A White Coming On, all
persons populating it as real as can be—just like Janet.
So what do you think? Am I close enough to the truth,
Amelie, close to sending shivers down your shoulders?
Does this make sense, come close to hitting the mark?
Is there any convergence in all this? Can you tell me?

Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: dream,truth,body,woman,english,england,identification,guilt,telling,narrative,canada,immigration,hair,color,questions,conversation,high school,teacher,convergence
The narrative in this poem involving Janet Brown told as it happened. And I address Amelie Ison, my questions hoping for some confirmations in terms of the narrative.
Dennis Ryan

Dennis Ryan

Wellsville, New York
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