My Family. Poem by Sandra jacks

My Family.

As for the matter of my family,
and where I put my trust,
as for the secrets I kept from everyone,
even my secret lust.

My dear family is precious,
they know more of me then you,
they stuck by me those fateful years,
when you did not have to,
they believed that i would change it up,
grow up and turn around,
get my feet planted in the dirt,
in the solid and stern ground.

Every time I tricked myself,
into believing yet,
another lie,
they were always there to bring me back again,
although often I wondered why.

I never thought I was worth much,
never valued the things I did,
never tried to share my secrets,
not even as a kid,
my family dis banned my pride,
told me their troubles too,
so when i shared my fateful story,
i didn't feel so much in the blue.

When I lost myself completely,
when I tried to commit suicide,
my family came,
quickly and sternly,
powerfully to my side.

When family is as powerful as mine,
when they love so deeply it cannot be explained,
that's when you know you're in good hands,
even throwing up the pills until 2: 00am.

I may have been a screw up,
a mess up,
a stupid idiot,
a selfish fool,
looking for all the wrong things,
At all the wrong times,
in all the wrong places,
may have even taken a few wrong turns,
but when you've got something good,
like my family,
they let you fix it,
and don't hold it against you,
not ever,
no even once....

Joseph Poewhit 19 May 2009

Nothing like a strong family

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