My Funny Formal Letter (Not A Poem) Poem by Rubab Meraj

My Funny Formal Letter (Not A Poem)

This is not a poem but we had a letter writing contest in school so i'll show it off to all poem hunterz! i wrote it when i was eight but i remodeled it in 2008.

The Head Devil,
Evil Spirits Streets,
Death Tribes,
St. Fire Flames,

Monday,27th October,2008

Respected Sir,
I am a (imaginary) president of a country on the planet Earth. This letter is to inform you that there is no tolerance in the world. This is the main cause of keeping away peace. Our sweet homeland planet Earth is slowly being destroyed by many intolerable disasters.
People began to fight on very small issues which are caused because they have begun to loose patience. They face problems because they do not co-operate with each other, listen to each other or discuss their problems. The second thing is that people are suicide bombing and they don’t even get any benefit of their bad deed. They die and go to hell, which I can call your homeland, killing other poor innocent people too. So don’t you think people are passing a life with no good deeds, living unmercifully and killing all their foes? People always have a dark part somewhere in their hearts which possesses the evil part in their heart which makes them do bad deeds and have grudges against their foes. Instead of having love, happiness and caring for others, their hearts listen to the evil side of it. Therefore I decided that you may keep the bloodthirsty and cruel humans. I am not forcing you, but since you live in hell I decided you might accept my offer. If you accept, then it is a tremendous benefit for both of us. You shall get more devils there on hell while we, on the other hand can live with peace.
I will be very grateful to you if you shall accept my offer. (It would be misfortunate if I found out that he loves good people) I am looking forward for your reply and co-operation (I just hope he is tolerant himself) .
Yours Sincerely,
Tolerant (imaginary) president living on Earth,
XYZ. (Or should I just mention my name? Hmm…. No! That would be too dangerous.)

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