My He Goat Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

My He Goat

My He goat

As child of nature and mountains
I woke up to the sound, animals’
If not chill and breeze and the sun.

Zero was a rooster; then donkey would bray
After that, goats and lambs, came through
Mom and dad, siblings whispering in between.

And I miss
And I miss
And I miss

How to talk of science, urban life, what have killed?
You who lives in city, take daily vitamins; food of fridge
Will never understand what life is when natural;
We had milk from breasts in clays; colourful our fruits
We plucked off branch in nature, sun-ripened…so tasty
You wash them, medicines, detergents, freeze or purify
But not I, I ate them as they were, nature’s child and natural.

Who are you to tell you to make face, turning nose and lips?
I don’t like your word “Ewe”.

You don’t know.
Best for an ignorant, is, remain ignorant and claim:
“I know all.”

Radio was talking of a bat, trying to attract, partner
Urinates, fragrant, obsession and passion; it is Lek.

I, the child of mountains have seen this with own eye
Our huge and young goat…the male one, hand picked
That dad fed special with barley and good food, was stud.

Then let go…wives many, all ages, size, colours of races.
That drunk on the road, stood firm to urine like fountains.
Splashed on the side, near mouth, turned golden like addicts’.

With nature stolen, divided, specialized, you remain ignorant
Unaware, full of fuss, therefore I…sympathize…that is all.

My He Goat
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