My Innovative Mind Poem by Daniel Miltz

My Innovative Mind

In this manner, as I developed my intellect
And advance through life, with reflect
Noted for my internal eye of the psyche
I am known for stories, of inventive tales mighty
So as a spinner of yarns passion
I give you hallucination
Of one of my adolescent mind
Back in the 'times of yesteryear
When I was a child of pure
I had a little round pocket mirror
That I would carry around everywhere
I would gaze into it a long while
My appearance converse me with a smile
Through the glass file
All I needed to do was continue looking staringly
Simply gazing in that senseless mirror, attractively
Wide-eyed peered with wonder
I was surprised with ponder
Trusting it to be in marvelment
My picture sassing me, unsent
So abruptly, it began me thinking
In a split second passing
I felt an awkward inclination running
I was unable to shake the sensation rising
I continued accepting, there's someone in there
Glancing in the mirror, I see an eyeful figure
Knew in my mind, without a doubt, an abnormal blur
I additionally felt, that this peculiar recognition
Is all a sketchy nonsense abstraction
I pondered it, further
Out of nowhere, I got terrified, as though it were
Going on at that exact second, without a doubt
I at last acknowledged, what it was all about
A 'dis·com·bob·u·lated creative mind breakout'

© daniel miltz

My Innovative  Mind
Daniel Miltz

Daniel Miltz

Detroit, Michigan
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