My Service Poem by Randy McClave

My Service

Don't be shy or even nervous
When you thank me for my service,
I did what I knew was right when my country called
So, don't feel upset or appalled.
I thank everyone for their salute
Because, I decided to take this proud route,
I did it for you, and also for my family
And I did it for the brave and the free and my country.
I thanked you when you shook my hand
And thanking me for my service in a different land,
I did the same thing any and every soldier would had done
As I marched and served with a flag and a gun.
I am a Vietnam Vet
Who served his country with pride and not regret,
But, please! don't thank me or other vets who did serve
And then throwing us a nasty curve
Do not tell me, 'Thank you for your service over there, '
Where many of us fought and died from warfare.
Then turning around and supporting a cowardly draft-dodging snoozer
Who refers to me and others only as a 'sucker and loser'.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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