My Story Poem by Baharak Barzin

My Story

I sang song of love
I saw sleeping nightingale waking up like insane ghost
Then i find my mouth sealed by silence
I wrote poem of lovers
And I saw envious look of moonlight
He covered the sky with black velvet touch
Next day i saw the earth burning in dark, begging for light
And i found my hands locked by chains
Now sealed lips and locked wrists await your glory

Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love,love and life
Daniel Brick 14 March 2017

You are serving L-O-V-E with every resource imaginable. There is something heroic about your commitment because this is a dangerous time to be actively supporting love against forces hostile to it. Those forces have imprisoned you at the end but you are simply using the confinement of your body to release your loving spirit to continue your advocacy of love. I am interpreting your poem as a kind of narrative; it strikes me as a poem of struggle with no still center that would give lovers a chance to be together and experience the sweetness of love. But perhaps efforts like hers will benefit future couples.

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Baharak Barzin 15 March 2017

Hi again Daniel i am 28 years old with limited experience in life but i don't know why do human seek for love and at the same time we escape from it and all the stories left in our hearts

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