My Thirsty Heart Poem by Imran Islam

My Thirsty Heart

Rating: 3.5

I will wear garlands on my neck
of flowers you've given
To reach your lovely eyes,
I will forget myself in this garden.

Suddenly on the pathway
if you meet me
Then you'll throw out flowers
with your shy face
and then to win your heart
I'll pick those flowers up for you.

When you'll walk across me
to the edge with a shy smile
Then I will take the smell
of the flower
that you've worn in your hair.

When you'll turn your face
back to me
to melt me into you again
Then my thirsty heart will be filled
with the tide of pleasure.

From that day on,
you'll think about me
and I will come in your dreams
I know you've been don't forget me
since the day we met on the pathway.

Thursday, July 23, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love
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