Nature Is painting Me --- Inside Out Poem by john tiong chunghoo

Nature Is painting Me --- Inside Out

our art is what nature
wishes us to paint

we are what nature
himself wishes to paint

to make sure each stroke
speaks of his well
intentioned endeavours

taking us through
the rough and tumble
world of his master plan

the colours of the gamut
of emotions -- joy, pain
sweetness are spread
over religiously
over each day

sweet yellow
youthful green
a depressed grey
dangerous red
and a calm blue sea

they all represent
so much of ourselves
and the colours
of the inner landscape
we carry between
each beat of the heart,
each stirring
stroke of the brush

to get the image nature
aims for -- the swift
cheerful and sad
burrowed lines,
light and youthful smiles,
solemn dashes
of depression,
heart rending
flow of tears,
infectious laughter,
--- colours that
speak of nothing
but the depth and layers
of our the experiences
nature wishes us
to go through as he gets
the best part of us out
on his live canvas

we are doubtless his
best depiction
of us as he works us
through each day

dont complain of
the diffucult times --
dont complain
think of the final
art piece that is
the best of you

from there is born
the intensity and profundity
of our own art

the art of twin experiences
painted religiously with --
or without the hands

john tiong chunghoo

john tiong chunghoo

Sibu, Sarawak, Borneo East Malaysia
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