Need For A Resolution Poem by Onareen Ferdinand

Need For A Resolution

Rating: 5.0

'Money haven't! '
Screams my grammar-confident niece
Stooping to correct her, I'm
Slapped silent
By the similarity of a toddler's pink purse
And my own;
In their emptiness.

'Give! '
Rudely reminds me she's there
'I don't have…'
'No want you! '
And like a siren she's gone,
Doppler effect, pink purse and all.

I wish, like her,
I had screamed
And the world would have heard
Stubborn resolve
And made amends;
Instead of a
'No want you! ' -
An innocuous disownment
That matures with age,
To escape
Contemptuous lips.

Fingers grip my own purse;

Sole witness to potential flung out
To brave the rat race
Armed with meager qualifications
For prejudiced salaries,
Manicured to chase high street fashions,
Jimmy Choos, bubbly and whisky,
Evolving identities online and on CVs,
Half hearted attempts to live;
Dead to dreams
Stifled by strings
Of empty purses.

Dead, also,
To needs of self, while
Searching for respect
Searching for like minds
Inside twenty four hours
Of late night stupors
And paper filled desks.

Only to learn of loss:
Loss of identity, self worth, potential, health
Loss of memory and loss of work.
Purses rich only in the emptiness
Of a toddler's purse;
Filled with expired cards
To withdraw only insult
Shame and rejection.

Here she comes again;
My little niece.
Ah! Someone's been charitable-
She's elated.

She's the confident bundle
I never was.
Was that my drawback?
Giving my left cheek
When my right was struck?
But I can't go back now.

Tomorrow will come without warning.

Like her, I should be ready
To get what I want.
Every slap
Every fall,
Should become rungs of the ladder
To my dreams.

Then, emptiness will be buried
Under layers of prosperity.

Tomorrow comes,
And I resolve
To be elated.

Michael Walkerjohn 02 November 2014

Aloha Onareen... I salute your lament... and I cheer your resolve! A personal, truth filled and clarifying post... should we all be this honest? If so, What a wonderful World it would be... The glaring inference... [ from an online dictionary source for this term... {The proper inference from our work is not that one group is more enlightened, or less. The inference was that the little missile would soon be fired.} Was I ever so delighted that the first link entry was this ironically comical quip] is that this picture is portrayed on a universal basis... I must take the line of thought deeper... our population demographics suggest that in a few decades there will be an overwhelming shift in gender populations... on that thought... imagine a stadium full of individuals of the same mindset, letting go of life's frustrations in manners other than your, most observant and humbling way... Thank you for this spot on and clarifying post... All of the best from this life, to you, and all of your relations... Michaelw1two.

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Kim Barney 02 November 2014

I love the final four verses.

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