Never Again Poem by Deborah Downes

Never Again

Wild beasts of prey
sought to mangle and slay
those souls who believed
and to one God did pray.

Thousands led to the slaughter
innocent sons, virgin daughters
before the great Roman Caesar
as baptized with water.

….and civilized society
deplored such impiety
crying Never Again
shall we suffer insanity!

The ecclesial of privilege
did torment and disparage
whom they might perceive
to be guilty of sacrilege.

Masses were murdered
into prisons were herded
in God’s Holy Name
the inquisitors consorted.

….and civilized society
deplored such impiety
crying Never Again
shall we suffer insanity!

Church elders would castigate
whom they judged to be profligate
to fires consigned
hell and brimstone their fate.

Too many were burned
before it was learned
no possession took place
no demon was spurned.

….and civilized society
deplored such impiety
crying Never Again
shall we suffer insanity!

The cotton-culled gentry
who prospered from slavery
forsook all compassion
to embrace what was monetary.

Families were fractured
unwillingly indentured
till brother fought brother
to forge a free culture.

…and civilized society
deplored such impiety,
crying Never Again
shall we suffer insanity!

The great Aryan pride
led to mass genocide
obscuring such motives
their atrocities to hide.

They led millions to exile
into death camps so vile
as nations ignored
their deafening Sig heil!

No, not Ever Again
was still the refrain
but so quickly forgotten
while the world grew insane.

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