New Testament, New Testament! Poem by Denis Martindale

New Testament, New Testament!

New Testament, New Testament! What do you have to say?
Some say that you are Heaven-sent to warn of Judgement Day!
Some tell us that you are Good News, with miracles galore!
New Testament, New Testament! Oh, please, do tell us more!

New Testament, New Testament! What words are in your book?
Some say that we must all repent and we should take a look!
Some tell us Jesus died for sins, our Saviour sacrificed!
New Testament, New Testament! Oh, please, is He the Christ?

New Testament, New Testament! Should I get baptised, too?
Lord Jesus to the river went, is that what I must do?
Some say that Heaven is for real, such that I ought to pray!
New Testament, New Testament! Oh, please show me the way!

The Sinner's Prayer is my prayer, Lord! I seek Your guidance now!
Grant me Your favour and reward each blessing to allow!
As revelation gets things done, the Gospel will increase
Yet grant I learn more of Your Son, Jesus, the Prince of Peace!

Denis Martindale, for the 21st of May 2024.

New Testament, New Testament!
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