Night Of Maze. Poem by Dr subhendu kar

Night Of Maze.

Soul of joy awaits shy of glimpse to adorn
to hold gleams in its sparkling hand
as mirror of grace to adore
as reflects to dapple in prism.

green in verdure engrosses to blossom
to rhyme songs of blue racked in green
clime reverberates in its vale
for jingles of wind to attire in vein.

dew pines away beyond glass of window
for sanity of love to attune on lap of embrace
quest entreats for path to permeate
for warmth to etch as portrait of an art
as geometry of shadow paroles to crave.

very curve of glory to frame up onto eternity
alchemy writes analogy of ontogeny
in between phases of tide and ebb
as leap of quantum plumbs vector to out weigh

empathy dissipates to ramp over gravity
for time to consume and for moments to trill
yet torque triumvirates to troll beyond
as falling mists glare gloss of shadow unrequited.

dew resolves to redeem in sparkling shine
redemption is last session of dream
as darkness dissolves for white to sigh
for bough to spume into captivity of vacuum.

Trove of ecstasy fills no bar to bear opacity
as love consummate reveals arc of love
when blue lays to lie over wall of sky
like nomad heart fails to prorogue promise.

Monday, July 31, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love and art
Dr subhendu kar

Dr subhendu kar

Bhubaneswar, Odissa, India
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