No End For Exploration And Creativity! Poem by Ramesh T A

No End For Exploration And Creativity!

Exploration of Space reveals the fact of expansion of Universe
By the activities of creation and destruction nonstop forever;
There is no point of end both for exploration and creation
Even great feats are achieved in any field as that continue on!

Even after one's lifetime, it will be continued by like minded
Persons in the field as that is passing of culture to perfection;
For, what we have achieved is just a hand full of knowledge only
As what we have to achieve is the Universe full of knowledge...!

Creativity is the expansion in exploration of truth to know all
further that are unknown for the present but may be revealed in
The future with better understanding of many known facts we have
Come across lying in the x file form for research to understand!

Culture is passing on the known best ideas to generations to
Continue further exploration in creativity to know truth and
Express new ideas of great importance to enhance knowledge of
Vital interest for further development and advancement sure!

Sunday, July 14, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: creativity
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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