No Heaven Or Hell? Poem by Randy McClave

No Heaven Or Hell?

If there is no Heaven and no Hell
Where saints and sinners go to dwell,
Nowhere for us to head to when we die
If the afterworld Is nothing, but a lie,
I wonder how we each would live
If penance and salvation we didn't have to give,
Would we be kind if there was no eternal reward
Or would we quickly pick up a sword,
Would we open the door always double fisted
If we believed that Heaven and Hell never existed,
Would we not worry about our suffering or pain
If an afterlife didn't exist to suffer or to gain,
An honest man always peacefully sleeps
Whereas a sinful man always tosses and weeps,
How would we all want to live our life
If believing death is the end to all worry and strife,
If there is an afterlife we all better take care
But, if there is none, then we are already there.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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