No Matter Poem by SarahLaney Long

No Matter

Rating: 5.0

She wants to start by saying
That she knows what cannot change the past
But none-the-less she is praying
Unsure if He will take her back
Her heart had run to an unjust cause
But the man just grabbed her hand
And said this, this is love

He said I will keep you
No matter what you've done
And I'll hold you through your struggles
Until your heart has won
I won't let go
No matter your fall
I love you, my Beautiful

Her heart is painfully consumed
With confusion and regret
Understanding to forgive herself
Is proven to be the hardest test
But she lifts her sword
To battle life's hardest heart
Because her love for Him is greater
Than a motion's guilty mark

She said I will find You
No matter what the cost
And I promise You
My changing heart
Till the day my life is lost
I know it takes time
But I'm ready to live
So for You alone here's my love I give.

She took a breath and she left her past
Mistakes are replaced with one more love

But say I will love You
No matter how long the race
Faith is all we need
For an all amazing grace
I won't leave You
Forever I'm Yours
That is what it means
To live for something more

(2007/about loving a man (Jesus/God) , who loves you even though you've made so many mistakes...)

Meggie Gultiano 13 September 2007

I say amen to this, Sarah..what a beautiful love poem for our Lord Jesus..thanks for this.. love and hugs, Meggie

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