No Matter What Our Station Poem by Grant House

No Matter What Our Station

We might be concerned
About people who are well
Making decisions
For people who are sick
We might send them
A special kind of love
To remember how it feels
To be vulnerable
To barely hang on
To cling to hope
And against all hope
To try again to heal
The invincibility we unconsciously radiate
When things are going our way
When nothing can touch us
Well, that can blind us
To the suffering
That colors life
For millions every day
How special is the person
Who feels the fear and pain
Of others struggling
Sometimes in vain
Who knows down deep in their soul
The human condition
The part of us
That no matter what we are going through
Our spirit, deserving of love and care,
Is strong and whole
That person who sees the good in everyone
Who works with all their heart
To arrange things so those in trouble
Have what they need to recover
To rise above their circumstances
To be renewed
To get a fresh new start
And if our journey is nearly over
Blessed is the one who shares that hour
Who holds our hand
And lets us know
Our time among the living
Was worth it
Made a difference
Was valued
Will be remembered
We might be concerned
About people who are well
Making decisions
For people who are sick
But there are people who show us how
Who cross over to meet us where we are
Who with love and kindness
Bring us home
Who invite us in
Extend a hand
Who hold us close
And help us through
Let's honor those who make decisions
Who share this bond
Who, guided by empathy,
Make our society
This world, our town, our nation
Better for each and every one of us
Who know us for who we are
Who respect and honor us
Who see in us magnificence
No matter what our station

Saturday, January 5, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: government,healing,health
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