No Rules, But God's Love Poem by rosalinda flores rosevoc

No Rules, But God's Love

In this life, there are no rules for death
Only rules for life.

Birth seeks new adventures
Life, a journey of seasons, sun and moon
Ice and fire.

The houses we built, lay vestiges
And sparkles of those we held dearests.

We were each other's home
Where we nested our dreams and offerings.

Our weary bodies awoke with sunrise
loved at sunset, cradled in Christ.

We filled each day with harvest
From soil, from sea
because yesterday we had tilled with our loins.

We could never regret the past
Where we sauntered and hurried
Because the angels were there.
Our sorrows sieved our pride
To mend crossroads.

Twice and many times we sought kindness
Days and moments. Secrets marked our
Humanity and flesh, life's trials

We all remembered each other, not one
Forgotten by God.
Cleaved mountains and paths meet in His most Sacred Heart
Heaven and earth; his kingdoms
have no end

Now and hereafter, continue our travel
Revealing passages to heaven
Choirs of angels
And the holy Saints around us,
All in God's time

There is no race, it is God's love mercy and grace
Fulfilling, a Father's ultimate promise.

To where we must live, there is no other place,
no other home but in God's loving embrace.

For (my dear nephew) +Martin Flores

No Rules, But God's Love
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