None Can Stop The Good Or Bad The World Says! Poem by Ramesh T A

None Can Stop The Good Or Bad The World Says!

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Whatever things one thinks, says and does will not stop the good and bad things the world says;
Criticism and appreciation will go on generated from the minds of men according to their wish;
If one does bad things, the world will find fault and criticize one by talks, writings and so on;
Even if one does good things, the world find drawbacks and criticize one by all means!

This is the nature of the world like day and night of the world with light and darkness in all;
Unmindful of all appreciations and criticisms, one has to go ahead with one's service;
In the long run only, what one has done will have correct judgement from all sure;
This is because, false things disappear immediately but truth will remain steady forever!

Taking good points only in mind, one aspiring for higher status should go on working well;
If one hesitates with each and everything and feels fearful, one cannot move ahead and do anything;
Only one is clear in mind and chosen a right path, one goes on progressing with boldness forever;
Slowly and steadily the whole world will come to know of such a one and appreciate one to go up in life!

Only criticism popularizes one of what one is doing for one to climb on that as staircase steps;
All achievers of great things in the world have come up so only as example to all others ever sure!

None Can Stop The Good Or Bad The World Says!
Only criticism popularizes one of what one is doing for one to climb on that as staircase steps!
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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