Not All Of Solicitors Poem by Francis Duggan

Not All Of Solicitors

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Not all of solicitors are crooks but some of them are far from straight
Not surprising that they have lavish parties when family birthdays they celebrate
The rule of law they bend and twist to their liking and they will lie for to win their case
Their fees to their clients can be quite big what is fair and just they won't embrace,
Though not all of solicitors are dishonest their kind have got a bad name
Yet for the sins of a few it does seem wrong that a whole group should shoulder the blame
But that is the way with most people we do tend to generalize
In trying to cut down to size the unworthy with our words we are not so wise,
Some solicitors are known to be dishonest but they are only human after all
And some who make very high incomes in many ways can seem so small,
They grossly overcharge for their services leaving their client with a huge bill to pay
But what goes around always comes around a wiser one than I once did say
And the solicitors who rip off their clients will receive their just karma one day
For karma's law it is the fairest and it deals with all in a just way.

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