Not Just Words Poem by Noorie Ali

Not Just Words

I don’t mean to say what sometimes splashes out of my mouth
I don’t mean to say all those un-worthy words

I don’t!

I just wish those letters would, or could come out so softly
Them lines I just blurt out, unintentionally.
I’m so sorry for crying out loud!

Its just revenge within me,
that I have been bottling up in a jam jar in my heart.
You’ve hurt my sparks so rapidly I’m so fickle now.
O'h do my sounds tickle you now?

See... when you thought it was all- right to hurt thy soul so heartlessly, you never thought I’d fight back restlessly.
So resentfully...
Did you now?
I’m so furious with your actions I could bleed myself but how?

Self-harm wouldn’t do me no good when its my inside that is battered not bruised with them paragraphs of your cruelty.

I’v bin burning so long so silently! ..
I am almost metal!
As hard as a silver sword am untouchable, them harsh words are now un-bearable or hear able
Those sounds are always remembered.
But forgettable.


I don’t mean to say what sometimes splashes out of my mouth
I don’t mean to say all those un-worthy words

I don’t I just wish those letters would, or could come out so softly
Them lines I just blurt out, unintentionally I’m so sorry for crying out loud!

James S Newcomb Lang 04 February 2010

Thank you for asking me to comment on this angry piece of work. It seemed to me as though it was written in haste and not fully thought through though. That is not necessarily a criticism, but an observation, as sometimes the heart felt work is just put down on paper and allowed to flow.

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