Not Mine But My Good Friend Wrote This About Me And It Deserves This Ispot On A Web Site! ! ! Poem by Michelle Guza

Not Mine But My Good Friend Wrote This About Me And It Deserves This Ispot On A Web Site! ! !

Love Again
Women cry and say they’ll never love again
But they just go out to hunt for more men
But me, I stay my distance from inside
I have done my duty and cried
I have cried inside and out
But haven’t figured what about
Until one day I heard the plea
Of a friend who needed me
Needed me next to her for her to cry
She said she hated him but it was a lie
I’m not a matchmaker
Or an undertaker
But when a girl is hurt by love
She might slipped down from above
She’ll cry out her soul and heart
Because the pain just tears her apart
The tears can’t stop falling
For now this girl is bawling
She needs you more than she needs me
But you don’t care, you don’t even see
See the pain the pierces her eyes day after day
You broke her and simply walked away
Left your mess for someone who cared
Because you were the only one dared
Dared to ripped her apart
Body, mind, and heart
You’re never going to do this again
Because you’ll push her off a cliff but a friend will be at the bottom end.
So she'll learn to love again

By: Maria Elizabeth Lucy Hopeck
To: Michelle Eileen Guza
Make good choices and if you make a bad, friends are a there to break your fall.

Preeti - is here! 10 July 2006

wow...Michelle....a lovely poem by yur friend Maria! Preets

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